A recluse group of wargaming friends
A Gentlemanly Sport is a group of wargaming friends from the fair and wondrous Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. For over 10 years we share a passion for waging wars in miniature worlds, fine beverages and the fine art of escaping the mundane. We thrive in fantasy worlds and love time-traveling: to ages long forgotten and to a future that might be.
While 4th edition Warhammer Fantasy was our introduction to wargaming 30 years ago, we diversified our game repertoire over time. We try to cover both mainstream and niche wargames.
When we do not wear the mantle of an armchair-general, we wield the power of the gods, and shape the worlds we game in during regular crafting sessions.
The occasional role playing game as well as social events and cultural excursions round off our activities.
Though adult life may interfere with a regular gaming schedule, we nonetheless try to stay motivated and active on our cherished hobby-front. And once we manage to meet, we fight glorious and epic battles and discuss our great exploits over a glass of the aforementioned fine beverage.
Above all, it’s all about having fun and enjoying our hobby.

Nigel Stillman, one of the great wargame creators from our younger days.
The Committee
Mission Statement
Description follows …
Games we play
- Frostgrave
- Space Weirdos
- Sword Weirdos
- One Page Rules
- Gaslands
- Full Thrust
- Blitz Bowl
- Blood Bowl
- Kings of War (Historical)
- Saga
- Horizon Wars
- Lion Rampant
- Dragon Rampant
- Xenos Rampant
- Brawl Arcane 28
- A Song of Blades and Heroes
- Sellswords & Spellslingers
- Rangers of Shadowdeep
- Battletech
- Beyond the Gates of Antares
- Black Powder
- Honours of War
- Das Schwarze Auge RPG
Patrons (Patron Saints)
Marco Aleksandrovic Ramius
General Chang (Klingon military officer and chief of staff to Gorkon, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council in 2293)
Sylvain Duriff (the Cosmic Christ)
skekSil (Chamberlain of the Skeksis)
our anthem
The Warhammer: Dark Omen was one of the games we played for endless hours back in the 90s. Initially, we used its iconic soundtrack as a joke, but soon, it became our go-to-music while playing fantasy wargames.