Space Weirdos

Space Weirdos City Fight

In this game of Space Weirdos the Black Org troopers fight off Max Power and his crew in a war torn city on a distant planet.

Space Weirdos city fight

We assembled our warbands and played a 125 points game. We then covered the whole 3 by 3 feet tabletop with ruined city buildings and walls to break line of sight as much as possible. On the other hand, a central road was placed amidst the ruins to create some open and hence dangerous terrain.

Zort in position
Max Power and Marl Boro advancing
Space Weirdos running towards the objective in this ruined City.
Bubblegum running towards objective
Waiting in the shadows
The Space Weirdos fight among the ruins of a city.
The Space Weirdos fight among the ruins of a city.

In the end Max Power and his crew were victorious in this very tactical objective based city fight scenario!

Our conclusion

We certainly enjoyed the great rule mechanics and the high tactical potential this excellent game has to offer. Plus we got to use our brand new ruined gothic city building corner to fight over..

You can buy Space Weirdos on Wargame Vault: and start list building on this well made Warband Builder app:

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