Hobby Shortcut: Metallic markers for painting miniatures

In this second hobby shortcut I show you how you can paint small areas on your miniatures with metallic markers quickly and easily.

I recently picked up some metallic markers at our hobby supply store of choice ACTION. I chose the silver gold bronze set with 8 markers for 2,26 €.

Helmet trims and banner on this Viking miniature painted with metallic markers.
Helmet trims and banner on this Viking miniature painted with metallic markers.

You can use these metallic markers to paint small detail areas on miniatures, such as, trims, ornaments or freehands. Imagine Chaos space marines or Khorne warriors. For larger areas I recommend using a brush of an appropriate size or an airbrush for very large surfaces, such as tanks, spaceships and other vehicles.

I apply my standard washes from Army Painter, Games Workshop or Greenstuffworld to shade the painted areas. Once dry, you can even highlight the metallic areas. Just as you would with a normal brush. Just be careful with subsequent painting steps. Always make sure your paint from the marker is waterproof. If not, just apply a coat of matte varnish.

As you can see these metallic markers can be quite useful. I added these newly found tools to my arsenal since it sped up and simplified my process for painting miniatures.

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