Our trip to the Internationale Spieletage 2022 in Essen, Germany.
After 2 years not going to any gaming convention, we were hyped to leave early morning for a road trip to SPIEL 2022 in Essen and a Saturday plenty of gaming goodies.

This year we planned our trip carefully in advance to really focus on the stands we liked to visit. Also we brought our own food this time.

The loot
So, here’s what we bought:
- Boxes and foam (Safe & Sound)
- Spell Books (Dragon Shield)
- Miniatures (Brother Vinni)
- A D&D Frost Giant for Frostgrave (D&D)
- Wooden token trays and card holder (Laserox)
- One Card Dungeon (Little Rocket Games)
- Battletech cards and A Game of Armoured Combat box (Catalyst Games)
- 6 x 4 space mat (Deep Cut Studio)
- Paints, dice, tokens
- Plus we won/got some free games and other goodies.

Closing thoughts
It was a long drive to Essen, lots of people and lots of walking around (with a face mask). Nonetheless we definitely enjoyed going to a gaming convention again after 2 years due to Covid restrictions.