In this army showcase I show you how I use my Vikings for both Saga and Lion Rampant 2nd edition.
Initially I built this army for Saga Age of Vikings, but decided to convert it for usage in Lion Rampant 2nd edition. After playing lots of games in that excellent system over the years, we finally gave Lion Rampant 2nd edition a try. We found it basically suits our casual approach to gaming. I certainly didn’t want to add or remove models for using in that new ruleset.
Vikings for Lion Rampant and Saga
Firstly I checked which unit could be represented by Lion Rampant’s generic profiles. I then verified whether the special rules and upgrades could fit my unit. Following this approach, I used my four Berserkers as a Warrior Infantry, which normally consists of 12 models. But Lion Rampant’s rules suggest taking the “Reduced model unit” rule for units with less than the predefined model count. There’s even a suggestion for taking that rule when playing Berserkers.
I first sketched out my list on paper, before entering everything on our custom made Lion Rampant 2nd Edition army sheet and laminating it.

Following below I present all my units with their respective profile for Lion Rampant and Saga.
The Vikings
Heathguard – Elite Infantry
As my Elite Infantry I chiefly used Dark Age warriors from Gripping Beast and one character model from the same manufacturer as my Leader model. Since he represents myself on the battle field, I soncequently named him “Erikson” and I got him for free with my Saga Rulebook. I also chose “Braveheart” and “Strongsword” as my Leader skills.

Lion Rampant 2E profile
Heathguard | Elite Infantry | 6 Models | 6 Points |
Attack | 5+ | Attack Value | 3+ |
Move | 5+ | Defense Value | 4+ |
Shoot | – | Shoot Value / Range | – |
Courage | 3+ | Maximum movement | 6″ |
Armour | 4 | Special Rules | Flexible, Leader |
Saga 2E profile
I used my character model as a war lord obviously. Conversely the other five warriors were part of my Bóndi.
Shield Maiden – Elite Infantry
These miniatures are altogether from Brother Vinni, except the kit-bashed banner bearing Valkyrie (came with my Saga Age of Viking book).

Shield Maiden | Elite Infantry | 6 Models | 6 Points |
Attack | 5+ | Attack Value | 3+ |
Move | 5+ | Defense Value | 4+ |
Shoot | – | Shoot Value / Range | – |
Courage | 3+ | Maximum movement | 6″ |
Armour | 4 | Special Rules | Flexible |
Saga 2E profile
Since they come as a unit of 6 with banner bearer and hero, I used them as Shield Maidens as is.
Bóndi – Heavy Infantry
Those plastic viking warriors came straightaway from a Gripping Beast kit with 40 miniatures on sprues. In a word, I highly recommend this to any aspiring viking player as this can quickly build the core of your army.

Bóndi | Heavy Infantry | 12 Models | 5 Points |
Attack | 6+ | Attack Value | 5+ |
Move | 5+ | Defense Value | 4+ |
Shoot | – | Shoot Value / Range | – |
Courage | 4+ | Maximum movement | 6″ |
Armour | 3 | Special Rules | Shield Wall, Holy Men & Banners |
Saga 2E profile
All 16 of my Viking warriors are used in effect as Bóndi in my Saga warband. Although I could use them as one unit, I usually split them into two units.
Berserkers – Warrior Infantry
All four Berserkers are obviously metal miniatures from Warlord Games. I especially like the one with the shield and his bear coat. After all the name Berserker comes from “berserkr” meaning bear skin / shirt. Or maybe bare skin for instance?

Berserkers | Warrior Infantry | 4 Models (3 Str. Pts) | 4 Points |
Attack | 5+ | Attack Value | 3+ |
Move | 6+ | Defense Value | 6+ |
Shoot | – | Shoot Value / Range | – |
Courage | 4+ | Maximum movement | 8″ |
Armour | 2 | Special Rules | Flexible, Wild Charge, Counter Charge vs. Foot & Missile, Fast, Reduced Model Unit |
Saga 2E profile
I use these four (half)naked dudes in the same way for Saga.
Peasants – Levied Infantry
Of course these miniatures came from a Gripping Beast plastic kit as well. Thus great value for money. In addition to that they are very versatile and generic to use in any Dark Age army.

Peasants | Levied Infantry | 6 Models | 6 Points |
Attack | 7+ | Attack Value | 6+ |
Move | 6+ | Defense Value | 6+ |
Shoot | – | Shoot Value / Range | – |
Courage | 5+ | Maximum movement | 6″ |
Armour | 1 | Special Rules | Smelly |
Saga 2E profile
The 12 peasants are used in fact as levies in Saga. Obviously I equipped them with throwing spears.
Holymen and Banners

Saga 2E profile
The druid is used of course as a priest in Saga. Similarly the banner bearer can be used a s a generic banner bearer. Thus these two miniatures I use as alternative units.

Final thoughts
Playing Vikings in Lion Rampant and Saga, as well as any historical miniature wargame, undoubtedly makes wanting to know more about the history and the culture of the particular army and period. If you want to learn more about Vikings in particular I recommend reading one the many excellent books on the topic. In order to get a general (popular science) overview on Viking history I am reading reading “Die Welt der Wikinger” by Arnulf Krause (in German) and “The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion” by Daniel McCoy, which focuses more on the mythological and spiritual side of ancient Norse people.