Hive City Gangs: The Nomads – Part 5 – Base

In this final part of the tutorial series, I’m going to base my Ashwaste Nomads for One Page Rules Grimdark Future Firefight. After having brainstormed on a concept for my miniatures, I have a pretty clear image in my mind of the ground these guys are standing on. I’m going for a grey dusty basing scheme.

Base the Ashwaste Nomads

First I smeared slightly watered down PVA glue on the base and dunked the the whole base in light grey tile grout. I removed the remaining tile grout from the miniatures and the base rim using a big soft brush. Then I left everything fully dry.

Using tile grout to base my Ashwaste Nomads
The miniatures dipped in tile grout.

Once dry, I sprayed a tiny amount of alcohol on the base, before immediately spraying watered down PVA glue on top. Remove the excess pools of PVA on the figure, since it tends to leave white marks on it.

Sealing the tile grout to base my Ashwaste Nomads
Solid dust bases

Later the bases are solid and won’t chip or shed dust anymore.

I then went ahead and lightly air brushed some dark brown wash on the center of the bases.

finished base of my Ashwaste Nomads
Air brushing some dark brown wash on the center of the base.


When everything was fully dry, I applied my homemade grey weathering powder (cheap pastel paints) on the lower parts of the miniatures, focusing mainly on the boots and lower parts of their capes.

Homemade weathering powder made of cheap pastels.
With a knive I shave powder from pastel paints

Hence I used a sharp hobby knive to shave off a little bit of pigment powder. Then I applied that dust on the miniature with a soft brush.

Applying pigment powder to my Ashwaste Nomads

Afterwards a thin coat of matte spray varnish seals the pigments on the miniature. As a last painting step, I gave the base rims a solid coat of black acrylic paint. In the end I applied a last coat of matte varnish to finalize the base of my Ashwaste Nomads.

And here’s the final result:

Final result of the base of my Ashwaste Nomads

Now they’re ready to fight on some desert worlds in One Page Rules Grimdarkfuture Firefight.

Part 1 – Idea
Part 2 – Build
Part 3 – Concept
Part 4 – Paint
Part 5 – Base


  1. Great finished warband, and kudos for writing out these longwinded (in a good way!) multipart tutorials, I don’t find enough of this sort of blogging in these days of Instagram and YouTube.

    1. Hi Adam! Thank you very much for your nice comment. I’m glad you appreciate it. Cheers. Eric

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